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Specialist physicians and dentists

EU citizens and Swiss nationals

A specialist physician or a specialist dentist who is also a national of a European Union Member State, a European Economic Area Member State or Switzerland may gain a qualification for the independent provision of health care services if they had received a Decision on the recognition of qualifications to pursue a regulated profession as a specialist doctor or a specialist dentist in accordance with the regulations on the procedure for the recognition of qualifications of nationals of European Union Member States for pursuing a regulated profession or performing regulated economic activities and has applied for a license with the Medical Chamber.


Additional information: Ivana Paradžik, Tel.: 00386 1 30 72 184, E-mail address: Ivana Paradžik


Non-EU citizens

A specialist physician or specialist dentist who is a citizen of a third country may-gain their qualifications for performing independent health care services if they have been issued a decision on nostrification, or a decision on the equivalence of a foreign specialist title to the corresponding Slovenian professional title of “doktor medicine” or “doktor dentalne medicine” obtained in the process of recognition pursuant to a special Act and that they had passed the professional certification exam in the Republic of Slovenia and were issued a decision on the recognition of the specialist title obtained abroad. A specialist physician or a specialist dentist who has graduated from a faculty of medicine, completed an internship and passed the professional certification exam and completed postgraduate medical training prior to 25 June 1991 in one of the former Yugoslav republics, may be granted a qualification for performing independent health care services if they pass the professional exam in the Republic of Slovenia.


Additional information: Ivana Paradžik, Tel.: 00386 1 30 72 184, E-mail address: Ivana Paradžik


Doctors graduating from a medical faculty in Yugoslavia prior to 25 June 1991 do not require degree nostrification.


EU citizens and Swiss nationals

Dentists who are nationals of European Economic Area Member State or Switzerland may gain qualifications for performing independent health care services if they have been issued a decision on the recognition of their qualifications for pursuing dentistry as a regulated profession pursuant to regulations on the qualifications recognition process for pursuing a regulated profession or a regulated professional activity in the Republic of Slovenia by the Ministry of Health.


Additional information: Ivana Paradžik, Tel.: 00386 1 30 72 184, E-mail address: Ivana Paradžik