
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

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Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.

Legal notice

Welcome to the official website of Medical Chamber of Slovenia. This website was established with the purpose of providing basic information about the Chamber and its products and services to the general public. When visiting our website, you are kindly asked to consider the terms below. By visiting the website, you confirm that you agree with the terms and conditions and that fully accept them.


The owner of this website is Medical Chamber of Slovenia (in futher text: the owner) and will try to ensure that the data. is accurate and up-to-date The owner reserves the right to change the contents of the website and/or terminate its supplementing at any time, without prior notice and does not assume any responsibility for the restoration of the website. The Medical Chamber of Slovenia can also change its products, services and programme descriptions without prior notice.

Trade marks

All the trademarks on this website are protected, unless the owner of this website decides otherwise. This includes all logos (logos of products and corporate logos) and signs. The application of trademarks is permitted only with the prior consent of the website owners.

Liability limit

All texts, pictures, and other content presented on this website were chosen and arranged by the owner and is merely informative data. Except for directly caused damage resulting from the owner’s intentional misleading, or in the case of damage which occurs due to the owner’s negligence, the owner or any other legal or natural person, who participated in the creation of this website, do not bear responsibility for any indirect, direct or indirect damage, resulting from the visitor’s incorrect comprehension of the contents of the website. The intellectual property on this website, including patents, brand names, and copyrights is protected. Anything on this page should not be used or replicated in any way without the official consent of the owner of this website.

Business relations

The website contains the information of third parties as well as links to their websites. The Medical Chamber of Slovenia is not responsible for the content of their websites.

Protecting privacy

Contact information as well as some personal data is gathered on the website of those visitors who contact the Medical Chamber of Slovenia in order to obtain information. Visitors alone are responsible for the authenticity of personal data and contact information provided. Contact information will be used for contacting a visitor, upon their request. Consent may be revoked at any time. The personal data and contact information are not used for any other purposes and are not exposed to third parties. Your IP address may be used in case of difficulties with the server drive, or tidying of webpages.

Cookie regulations

In order to optimize the website Medical Chamber of Slovenia collects and stores information in log files. These files include user’s Internet Protocol (IP), browser type, language preferences, operating system, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and date/time of visit. The Medical Chamber of Slovenia uses this information to effectively manage webpages to find out more about user behaviour across the entire website to analyse trends and gather demographic information about the users. The collected data may be used for marketing and advertising services and for communication (for example, for the optimisation of user experiences, ensuring more attractive offers and services). The declaration on the protection of personal data from these Terms and Conditions also applies to data collected via cookies and other comparable technologies.

What is a cookie?

Websites, e-mails, web services, advertising and interactive applications can use cookies to optimize the service. A cookie is a small file containing a sequence of letters and numbers, which is loaded on the user’s terminal equipment (such as computer, mobile device, etc.) when the user visits the Medical Chamber of Slovenia website (Medical Chamber of Slovenia sends the cookie browser file to user’s computer hard drive). This file allows Medical Chamber of Slovenia website to recognize user’s devices when a connection between server and browser is established. Medical Chamber of Slovenia uses cookies mainly to make the browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. Cookies are also used in order Medical Chamber of Slovenia can learn more about user’s habits in improve their user experience.

What kind of cookies does Medical Chamber of Slovenia use?

Medical Chamber of Slovenia can use the following types of cookies:

  • Session cookies are stored only temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted from the user’s device when the browser is closed. These cookies are essential in order to of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia website;
  • Persistent cookies are saved on your computer for a fixed period (usually a year or longer) and is not deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are used for acknowledging who users are for more than one browsing session. For example, Medical Chamber of Slovenia does use this type of cookie to store user's preferences (such as registration, language settings, etc.), so that they are remembered for the next visit;
  • 1st (first) party cookies are set by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia website and can only be read by this site. Websites use these cookies to store information that will be reused the next time a user visits a website;
  • 3rd (third) party cookies are set by a different organization to Medical Chamber of Slovenia website, for example, third party analytics or marketing company which sets its own cookie to enhance their service. You can read more about the cookies at If user’s permission is required for a certain cookie, Medical Chamber of Slovenia will ask for permission before setting the cookie on a device (computer).

Tracking and analyzing

The Medical Chamber of Slovenia uses analytical software Google Analytics to continuously optimize marketing communications on its websites, which use cookies for the purpose of analysing traffic (counting visitors, browsers and keywords identification used to access the website, problems with navigation). Medical Chamber of Slovenia website informs user about setting the cookies on user’s device (computer), however, the user is given the opportunity to decline cookies. This allows tracking of user’s online behaviour. Cookies store information about how users use website, including the number of displayed pages, where user comes from (geographical location), time of visit and number of visits in order to improve the website and ensure a better experience for users. This data is collected through tracking cookies. Obtained information is anonymous and is not linked to any personal data. Medical Chamber of Slovenia doesn’t share this information with third parties. If user declines these cookies, no information is stored.  

1. Cookies on website

Responsible for the proper functioning of the website
Name of cookiePurposeDurationCompany
.ASPXAUTHResponsible for the proper functioning of the websiteAfter browser is closedMedical Chamber of Slovenia
.ASPSESSIONIDCCCQBQCCResponsible for the proper functioning of the websiteAfter browser is closedMedical Chamber of Slovenia
.ASPSESSIONIDQCDSDSDAResponsible for the proper functioning of the websiteAfter browser is closedMedical Chamber of Slovenia
.ASPSESSIONIDSCDQCSCBAfter browser is closedMedical Chamber of Slovenia

2. Third party cookies

Name of cookiePurposeDurationCompany
_utmaWeb traffic statistics2 yearsGoogle Inc
_utmbWeb traffic statistics30 minutesGoogle Inc
_utmcWeb traffic statisticsAfter browser is closedGoogle Inc
_utmzWeb traffic statistics6 monthsGoogle Inc


By the law technical storage of data or access is allowed for the sole purpose of transmission of the message over an electronic communications network, if it is necessary for providing service of information society, which user explicitly requests. For that purpose, Medical Chamber of Slovenia uses session cookies and cookies to count number of visitors; cookies expire after they are no longer necessary to achieve their purpose or with the end of the session.

Controling and deleting cookies and similar technologies

The user is able to accept or decline all cookies on all websites, although most browsers automatically accept all cookies. The user can block cookies by changing settings in his browser. Instructions for changing settings can be found in Help section of each browser or at If cookies are disabled some features or the whole website may no longer work correctly.

Medical Chamber of Slovenia
Dunajska cesta 162
1000 Ljubljana 

Tel.: 00386 1 30 72 100
Faks: 00386 1 30 72 109