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The Medical Chamber of Slovenia is responsible for ensuring the core values of the medical profession: empathy, professional conduct and autonomy, are upheld. As we realise that physicians and dentists are committed to observing these values while respecting basic human rights, we seek to provide them with support, counsel and, above all, assistance when needed. 

The Chamber is proud to have been granted the power by the state of Slovenia to regulate the medical profession by:

  • awarding, renewing and suspending licences,
  • planning, monitoring and supervising internships, specialisations and other forms of professional training of its members by evaluating their competence and setting the criteria for appointing supervisors and appointing them,
  • carrying out professional supervision and counselling,
  • maintaining a registry of physicians.

In addition, it has adopted the Code of Medical Deontology and is in charge of taking action in response to violations of the Code; it participates in drafting laws, planning documents and other regulations related to health care as well as in determining the criteria for entering into contracts, and it acts as an advocate for the interests of private-sector physicians in entering into contracts with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia; it participates in negotiating collective bargaining agreements on behalf of private-sector practitioners as employers.