
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

Pozabljeno geslo

Nazaj na prijavo



Nazaj na prijavo

Ostali načini prijave

Prijava s SI-PASS

Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.

Medical students

After completing studies at a faculty of medicine or stomatology, the physician or dentist is entered into the physician registry maintained by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia. Upon notification of having been entered into the registry, the physician applies for an internship at one of the 12 authorised institutions in Slovenia. Waiting periods for internships vary across institutions. Upon completion of a four-month internship, the physician can apply to the public tender applications. After six months, the internship ends with a professional exam carried out at the Medical Chamber of Slovenia. After passing the professional exam, physicians can work at doctor’s practices or do on-call duty – both under the supervision of a specialist, or perform attending physician duties.


Membership and registration


Postgraduate medical training in Slovenia



Awarding and renewing licences


Foreign citizens

Requirements for foreign citizens working in Slovenia, Specialist title recognition, Specialisations in Slovenia, Licencing.