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Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.
From 1995 to 1999 the physicians that were 56 years old or older obtained a permanent licence to practice medicine. For everybody else the 7 years licensing period was introduced.
Since the year 2000 every physician, that wants to practice medical profession in Slovenia, must:
CME credits are awarded by the Medical Chamber. To extend a licence, physicians must:
CME includes:
We kindly invite the organizers of professional meetings to submit a proposal for the evaluation of professional content and obtaining CME credits.
Organizers can submit the proposal through the app Licenčnik.
To obtain the password for initial registration please contact Podpora: podpora@zzs-mcs.si
General instructions can be found at the following link: navodila.
The app Licenčnik supports full on-line management of the event organization.
For additional information please follow the link or contact Podpora.