
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

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Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.

Awarding and renewing licences


From 1995 to 1999 the physicians that were 56 years old or older obtained a permanent licence to practice medicine. For everybody else the 7 years licensing period was introduced. 

Since the year 2000 every physician, that wants to practice medical profession in Slovenia, must:

  • have the appropriate qualifications and level of training and
  • be entered in the register of physicians and
  • hold a license to independently perform medical services in a specific field of expertise.


Re-licensing and Continuous medical education (CME)

CME credits are awarded by the Medical Chamber. To extend a licence, physicians must:

  • obtain 75 credits (at least 50 required credits in the professional area for which physician was licensed and at least five required credits in the areas of quality and safety in healthcare, ethics and communication) in the 7-year period and
  • a physician must also meet the requirement that he or she has performed medical services in the professional field for which he or she was licensed to the extent of at least 20 percent of full-time hours during the expiring licensure period and that he or she has not interrupted his or her practice for more than four years within that period.

Obtaining the CME

CME includes:

  • Active or passive participation in Training programs (a national or international professional meeting, a national or international school, training workshop, seminar or course, other professional training in Slovenia or abroad, protocolized internal trainings within the organizational unit of the healthcare provider)
  • Passive presentation of the poster
  • Implementation of the workshop
  • Professional workshop/course manager
  • Participation in the expert commitee of the expert meeting
  • Review of professional and scientific literature 
  • Introduction of a new diagnostic or treatment method
  • Scientific or professional publication (Publications in medical journal or book)
  • Reporting Security Issues (Medical malpractice reporting system)
  • Self-improvement and study of professional literature with test questions (E-learning with Q/A exams)
  • Preparation of test questions for E-learning
  • Participation in the implementation of medical services in volunteer status (e.g. Doctors Without Borders, pro bono clinics, work with refugees)

Number of awarded credits

  • Training programs (passive participation): a national or international professional meeting - 1 credit/hour; a national or international school, training workshop, seminar or course - 1,5 credits/hour; other professional training in Slovenia or abroad - 2 credits/day (maximum 50 credits per education)
  • Active participation (home meetings: up to 15 minutes - 4 credits, over 15 minutes - 7 credits, invited lecture - 10 credits; international meeting or meetings with international participation: up to 15 minutes  - 6 credits, over 15 minutes - 12 credits, invited lecture - 25 points)
  • Passive presentation of the poster (the number of credits is divided by the number of authors)  (home meetings: 4 credits; international meeting - 5 credits)
  • Implementation of the workshop - 3 credits/hour
  • Professional workshop/course manager - 3 credits/day
  • Participation in the expert committee of the expert meeting - 4 credits/day of the congress
  • Review of professional and scientific literature - 1 credit
  • Introduction of a new diagnostic or treatment method - 100 credits
  • Scientific or professional publication (Publishing in medical journal or book) (the number of credits is divided by the number of authors): an article in a journal listed in the Science Citation Index - 50 credits; an article in a peer-reviewed scientific or professional journal or a chapter in a textbook - 30 credits; a contribution in a peer-reviewed publication (proceedings, etc.) - 15 credits; an article in a professional journal - 5 credits; an article in a popular science magazine - 2 credits; publication of an abstract or poster - 2 credits
  • Reporting Security Issues (Medical malpractice reporting system) - 1 credit/report
  • Self-improvement and study of professional literature with test questions (E-learning with Q/A exams) - 0.5 credit per question
  • Preparation of test questions for e-learning - 1 credit/question
  • Participation in the implementation of medical services in volunteer status (e.g. Doctors Without Borders, pro bono clinics, work with refugees) - 0,5 credit/day

Dear educational events organizers

We kindly invite the organizers of professional meetings to submit a proposal for the evaluation of professional content and obtaining CME credits.

Proposal for the evaluation of professional content

Organizers can submit the proposal through the app Licenčnik.

To obtain the password for initial registration please contact Podpora:


General instructions can be found at the following link: navodila.

The app Licenčnik supports full on-line management of the event organization.


For additional information please follow the link or contact Podpora.