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Specialist title recognition

Any specialist physician or a specialist dentist who obtained a specialist title in non EU country, or any specialist physician or a specialist dentist who obtained a specialist title in another European Economic Area Member State (hereinafter referred to as the candidate) may request that their specialist title obtained abroad be recognised, if there is no mutual recognition under a special Act.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible for the recognition of professional qualifications of EU citizens in accordance with the provisions of Directive 36/2005/EC.

A candidate who has no EU citizenship must meet the following conditions to facilitate the recognition of foreign specialist titles:

  • they have completed studies at a faculty of medicine in the Republic of Slovenia or a foreign faculty of medicine and the nostrification thereof by the Slovenian Ministry of Health
  • they have passed a specialist exam abroad
  • they have passed the professional exam in the Republic of Slovenia or nostrification thereof by the Slovenian Ministry of Health
  • they have completed any additional conditions or have obtained a favourable written opinion of an expert.

A candidate who has received a decision on the recognition of qualifications to pursue a regulated profession as a physician or a dentist in the Republic of Slovenia as part of the qualifications recognition process pursuant to a special law is not required to pass the professional exam in the Republic of Slovenia.

If no relevant specialisation programme is being offered in Slovenia on the basis of which a comparison may be drawn, the postgraduate medical training programme the content of which best match the postgraduate medical training programme completed abroad may be used as a point of comparison. The comparison is conducted by an expert.If the expert concludes that the postgraduate medical training programme completed abroad and any work experience and additional skills do not completely correspond to the postgraduate medical training programme, the expert will recommend that the applicant fulfil at least one of the following additional conditions:

  • take an emergency medicine exam or an exam on emergency states in oral medicine,
  • receive a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve-months of training at an authorised institution,
  • take the professional aptitude test.

The Chamber may issue a decision for the applicant on the recognition of a foreign specialist title:

  • the postgraduate medical training programme completed abroad and any work experience and additional skills are found to fully correspond with the postgraduate medical training programme used to perform a comparison, or that the candidate's qualifications suffice for the recognition of a foreign specialist title,
  • if the candidate submits proof to the Chamber of fulfilling the relevant additional conditions.

If additional training lasting more than 12 months is required, the recognition of a postgraduate medical training completed abroad is not possible. 


Additional information: Klara Zupančič, Tel.: 00386 1 30 72 161, E-mail address: Klara Zupančič