
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

Pozabljeno geslo

Nazaj na prijavo



Nazaj na prijavo

Ostali načini prijave

Prijava s SI-PASS

Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.

Since 2000 every doctor that would like to practice medicine in Slovenia must have a specialization. In 2021 we have 47 different medical specialities, where the duration of training lasts from 4 to 6 years. The only way to obtain a training post is through public tender – national selection twice a year. The doctors can choose between postgraduate medical training on national level and for a certain healthcare provider (e.g. Hospital) *.

Residents are accepted on the basis of: university degree, completed internship, other (completed specialization or part of specialization). The residents that obtain the training post on national level or for a certain healthcare provider (e.g. Hospital) are paid fully by the state. The postgraduate medical training can also be self-funded if there are available training post.

The whole time during postgraduate medical training the resident has a main tutor, on wards and rotations he has trainers. After completing the programme, the resident must take national exam (part of that exam may be UEMS exam). After successfully completing the exam the doctor is awarded full physician’s licence for work in the field of speciality.  

One of the requirements for obtaining a postgraduate medical training and working in Slovenia is fluency in the Slovenian language for physicians at the C1 level and writing at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


*The doctor must work in public sector or for the healthcare provider for 4-6 years or must refund the costs, except salary.



Continuous medical education


Public tender

National selection twice a year



I am an EU citizen and I finished medical school in Italy and would like to do postgraduate medical training in your country. What are the conditions?

If you want to work as a physician in our country, you must first apply to the Ministry of Health for recognition of your medical diploma and professional exam: (contact ).

After that you can get post graduate medical training post trough public tender, which is open twice a year. All the training, including final exam, is in Slovene.

One of the requirements for obtaining a training position and completing postgraduate training in Slovenia is fluency in the Slovenian language for physicians at the C1 level and writing at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

I am a Serbian doctor and would like to work in Slovenia, what do I have to do?

If you want to work as a physician in Slovenia, you must first apply to Ministry of Health for recognition of your medical diploma and professional exam:  (contact:                                                                                                                                                                                                       

After that you can apply for the recognition of your specialist title at Medical Chamber (contact person is Mrs. Klara Zupančič: ).

One of the requirements for obtaining the licence to work in Slovenia is fluency in the Slovenian language for physicians at the C1 level and writing at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Through my training to a specialist of surgery Austria I have the opinion to do some rotation in Slovenia, how can I do that?

If you would like to do a part of your medical residency and fellowship in Slovenian medical centres you must contact the medical centres (hospitals) directly. The requirements for the partial training of foreign citizens are:

  • the institution at which the foreign physician will be training must send the Chamber a statement of the chief tutor and the head of the institution on assumption of liability for a period of 6 months,
  • a foreign physician who wants to train in the Republic of Slovenia must submit a Certificate of Good Standing (a certificate that the physician is a member of a Chamber at home, whether the physician has a valid licence which has never been suspended, that the physician has completed a postgraduate medical training or that he is a registrar, and that no procedure has been initiated against the physician in their country of origin). The certificate must be submitted to our institution directly from the institution responsible for issuing such certificates in the country in question. The certificate must be issued in Slovenian or English or officially translated into either of these languages.

The information on the training of foreign nationals must be submitted to the Chamber by the institution at which the foreign physician will be training. The foreign physician may make individual arrangements as to the content of the training, depending on what they want to learn or train for. A physician in training does not work independently (as they do not have a valid licence); rather, they work under the supervision of a tutor to be determined by the institution, who also assumes all liability.