
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

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Za pomoč pri prijavi, registraciji ali pozabljenem geslu pišite na našo tehnično podporo.

The Postgraduate Medical Training Department and the Basic Postgraduate Medical Training, Licensing and Registry Department are in charge of all public powers held by the Chamber: the physician registry and the registry of private-sector physicians, internships, post graduate medical training for physician, awarding, renewing and suspending licences as well as a number of additional areas such as issuing Certificates of current professional status(in Slovenian, English and German), recognising specialist titles based on work performance and recognising specialist titles acquired in non EU countries. They also provide members with legal advice and assistance in its areas of work.

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 AM–12 PM 

Thursday: 1 PM–4 PM 

Tina Šapec, Head of the Postgraduate Medical Training

Postgraduate medical training, licences, specialist title recognition based on work performance, credits (CPD, CME),

Phone No.: +386 1 307 21 61

E-mail addressTina Šapec 


Barbara Galuf Zajc, Head of Basic Postgraduate Medical Training, Licensing and Registry Department

Postgraduate medical training, licences, credits (CPD, CME), recognising specialist titles acquired abroad (non-EU)

Phone No.: +386 1 307 21 31

E-mail address: Barbara Galuf Zajc