
Vsebina, do katere želite dostopati, je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom. Prijavite se z obstoječim uporabniškim imenom in geslom ali izpolnite obrazec za registracijo.

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International cooperation

For many years, the Medical Chamber of Slovenia has paid a great deal of attention to cooperation with foreign organisations of physicians and dentists from other European countries that deal with a number of issues related to the medical profession, ensure high-quality provision of health care services by physicians and as such, protect patients’ health. The Medical Chamber of Slovenia is a member of the following international physicians’ organisations:

Council for Physician Education and Training

  • Opening hours: Thursday 3PM–4PM
  • Front desk: Maja Benedičič, +386 1 307 21 68, e-mail: Maja Benedičič

Commissions of the Council for Physician Education and Training

  • Commission for Professional Education of Physicians
  • Front desk: Staša Favai, +386 1 307 21 65, e-mail: Staša Favai